Friday, June 24, 2022

Like Sands Through the Hourglass

Today is my 59th birthday. It's not a milestone number, but in reality I'm entering my 60th year of life. So I have a birthday wish, and since I didn't wish it while blowing out birthday candles I can say it here. 

Dear Life,

For my birthday, I would like to ask for 30 more years of healthy living. There is so much to see and do: people to serve, books to read, a child to raise, a husband to retire with, art to make. And by healthy living, I mean in a condition where I can do activities of daily living, can read and hear (with aids if needed), some hiking and travel, without moderate to severe pain, and with any chronic medical issues managed and controlled. I know this is very specific, but I figure if I am asking you for this, it would help to be as clear as possible. 

With deep gratitude,


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