Friday, March 24, 2023

The Alphabet of Right Now 3/24/23


A - Addicted: not a fan of my continued reflexive dependence on my phone.

B - Buddha: according to the teachers, I am one.

C - Control: so much of my energy is spent trying to control what is out of my hands.

D - Dread: the news evokes this in me

E - Eating: nearly vegetarian now; tofu and nutritional yeast are mainstays.

F - Fun: not having enough these days.

G - Gender: an ever-present topic in the household, discussions driven by my child.

H- Hoppy: the rabbit is very happy to be outside now that the rain stopped.

I - Injury: my left knee has, I think, a meniscus tear; feeling that pain more.

J - Jeans: haven't worn them in three years. No regrets.

K - Knowledge: I spend my days chasing random curiosities.

L - Lonely: it's strange to feel this, given my full life. 

M - Mental health: the stigma is abating.

N - Narrow: my life path lately.

O - Objective: feeling a need for one; goals, too.

P - Poppies: they are blooming wildly everywhere.

Q - Quiet: I enjoy it.

R - Rest: getting a good amount.

S - Singing: lately singing along to Taylor Swift songs.

T - Time: how is it already end of March?

U - Useful: a state of being I enjoy.

V - Voice: wonder where mine is.

W - War: how the world feels to me

X - X: it marks the spot.

Y - Yard: it is lush and green and overgrown.

Z - Zoomies: what Misty the rabbit does when she's happy.

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